Business terms and conditions

Company: Bohemian Coffee House s.r.o

Headquarters, billing address: Polní 2832, 407 47 Varnsdorf
ID number: 064 51 578, VAT number: CZ064 51 578

registered in the commercial register kept by the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem, section C, insert 40311.


  1. These terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as the "terms and conditions") regulate the mutual rights and obligations of the contracting parties arising in connection with or on the basis of the purchase contract (hereinafter referred to as the "purchase contract") concluded between the seller and the buyer (hereinafter referred to as the "buyer") through the seller's online store .

    The seller - Bohemian Coffee House s.r.o., IČO 064 51 578, DIČ CZ064 51 578, with its registered office at Polní 2832, 407 47 Varnsdorf, is a company registered in the commercial register maintained by the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem, in section C, insert 40311, engaged in sales roasted coffee, devices and accessories for preparing coffee and confectionery products.

    The buyer is a consumer or entrepreneur.

    A consumer is any person who, outside the scope of his business activity or outside the scope of independent performance of his profession, concludes a contract with the seller or deals with him in any other way. An entrepreneur is a person who independently performs a gainful activity on his own account and responsibility in a trade or similar manner with the intention of doing so consistently in order to achieve profit. For the purposes of consumer protection, any person who concludes contracts related to their own business, production or similar activity or in the independent performance of their profession, or a person who acts on behalf of or on behalf of an entrepreneur is also considered an entrepreneur. For the purposes of the terms and conditions, an entrepreneur is a person who acts in accordance with the previous sentence as part of his business activity.

    If the contracting party is an entrepreneur, relations not regulated by business conditions are governed by the Commercial Code, Act No. 513/1991 Coll., as amended.

  2. Contact details:
    1. E-mail: (we will answer your questions within 24 hours on working days),
    2. E-mail: (for orders, clarifications or changes to orders),
    3. Phone: +420 603 926 794, +420 737 346 036 (we are at your disposal on working days from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.).

  3. The online store is operated by the seller on a website located at the internet address (hereinafter referred to as the "website"), through the website interface (hereinafter referred to as the "store web interface").

  4. Provisions deviating from the terms and conditions can be negotiated in the purchase contract. Deviating provisions in the purchase contract take precedence over the provisions of the terms and conditions.

  5. The terms and conditions are an integral part of the purchase contract. The purchase contract and terms and conditions are drawn up in Czech or English.

  6. The wording of the terms and conditions may be changed or supplemented by the seller. This provision does not affect the rights and obligations arising during the period of validity of the previous version of the terms and conditions.

  7. The buyer is aware that by purchasing the products that are in the seller's business offer, he does not acquire any rights to use the registered brands, trade names, company logos, etc. of the seller or the seller's contractual partners, unless otherwise agreed in a special contract in a specific case.

  8. By placing an order, the buyer confirms that he has familiarized himself with these business terms and conditions, of which the Complaints Regulations are also an integral part, and that he expressly agrees with them, in the wording valid and effective at the time the order is sent.


    1. Based on the buyer's registration on the website, the buyer can access its user interface. The buyer can order goods from his user interface (hereinafter referred to as "user account"). The buyer can also order goods without registration directly from the store's web interface.

    2. When registering on the website and when ordering goods, the buyer is obliged to enter all data correctly and truthfully. The buyer is obliged to update the data specified in the user account in case of any change. The data provided by the buyer in the user account and when ordering goods are considered correct by the seller.

    3. Access to the user account is secured by a username and password. The buyer is obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding the information necessary to access his user account.

    4. The buyer is not authorized to allow the use of the user account by third parties.

    5. The seller can cancel the user account, especially if the buyer does not use his user account for more than 5 years, or if the buyer violates his obligations under the purchase contract (including the terms and conditions).

    6. The buyer acknowledges that the user account may not be available continuously, especially with regard to the necessary maintenance of the seller's hardware and software equipment, or necessary maintenance of hardware and software equipment of third parties.


    1. All the presentation of goods placed in the web interface of the store is of an informative nature and the seller is not obliged to conclude a purchase contract regarding these goods. The provisions of Section 1732, paragraph 2 of the Civil Code shall not apply.

    2. The store's web interface contains information about goods, including the prices of individual goods. The prices of goods are listed including value added tax and all related fees. The prices of the goods remain valid for as long as they are displayed in the web interface of the store. This provision does not limit the seller's ability to conclude a purchase contract under individually agreed conditions.

    3. The store's web interface also contains information on the costs associated with the delivery and packaging of goods in cases where the goods are delivered within the territory of the Czech Republic or abroad.

    4. To order goods, the buyer fills out the order form in the web interface of the store. The order form mainly contains information about:
      1. billing and delivery data (name and surname, company, address, telephone contact and email address)
      2. ordered goods (the ordered goods are "put" by the buyer into the electronic shopping cart of the store's web interface),
      3. method of payment of the purchase price of the goods, information on the required method of delivery of the ordered goods and
      4. information about the costs associated with the delivery of the goods (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "order").

    5. The order must contain the necessary data for its proper processing, dispatch and delivery to the carrier. These data are set as mandatory fields in the order form.

    6. Before sending the order to the seller, the buyer is allowed to check and change the data entered by the buyer in the order, also taking into account the buyer's ability to detect and correct errors that occurred when entering data into the order. The buyer sends the order to the seller by clicking the "Pay" button. The data given in the order are considered correct by the seller. Immediately after receiving the order, the seller will confirm this receipt to the buyer by e-mail, to the e-mail address of the buyer specified in the user account or in the order (hereinafter referred to as the "buyer's e-mail address").

    7. The seller is always entitled, depending on the nature of the order (quantity of goods, amount of the purchase price, estimated shipping costs), to ask the buyer for additional confirmation of the order (for example, in writing or by telephone).

    8. The contractual relationship between the seller and the buyer is established by the delivery of the acceptance of the order (acceptance), which is sent by the seller to the buyer by e-mail, to the e-mail address of the buyer. Acceptance of the order includes the current wording of the terms and conditions.

    9. The resulting contract (including the agreed price) can be changed or canceled only based on the agreement of the parties or on the basis of legal reasons, unless otherwise stated in the terms and conditions. The buyer can cancel or change an already sent order until it is considered processed, i.e. the shipment or personal collection of the ordered goods by the buyer has taken place. If the buyer wants to cancel a shipped order, it can be done in the following ways:
      1. by email to or
      2. by phone at +420 603 926 794, +420 737 346 036 (on working days from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.).

    10. If the total price of the already paid order will be reduced based on the cancellation or change, the seller undertakes to contact the buyer immediately in order to agree on the method of refund. If the buyer wants to cancel the order after the goods have been shipped, proceed according to point 5. Withdrawal from the purchase contract.

    11. The buyer agrees to use remote means of communication when concluding the purchase contract. The costs incurred by the buyer when using means of communication at a distance in connection with the conclusion of the purchase contract (costs of Internet connection, costs of telephone calls) are paid by the buyer himself, and these costs do not differ from the basic rate.

    12. The buyer acknowledges that there may be cases when the contract between the seller and the buyer is not concluded, especially when the buyer orders goods at a price published by mistake due to an error in the seller's internal information system. In such a case, the seller informs the buyer of such fact.

    13. The seller reserves the right to declare the purchase contract invalid if there has been misuse of personal data, misuse of a payment card, etc., or due to the intervention of an administrative or judicial authority, the buyer will be informed of such a procedure. The buyer acknowledges that the purchase contract cannot be validly entered into in the above cases.


    1. The buyer can pay the price of the goods and any costs associated with the delivery of the goods according to the purchase contract to the seller in the following ways:

      1. In cash upon personal collection at the seller's premises at the address Tř. 9 May 41, 408 01, Rumburk.

      2. By non-cash transfer to the seller's account No. 223948202/0600, maintained at MONETA Money bank, as (hereinafter referred to as the "seller's account"). The goods will be ready for personal collection or sent only after the total amount of the order has been credited to the seller's account. If the buyer does not pay this amount by the due date (the amount is not credited to the seller's account within 10 days from the creation of the order), the order will be automatically cancelled.

      3. Payment on the basis of an invoice with due date (only for entrepreneurs based on an individual agreement with the seller).

      4. Cashless via the PayPal payment system. If you have an account with PayPal, payment is very fast and hassle-free. After submitting an order to our store, you are automatically redirected to the PayPal login screen. After logging into your account, check your order total and shipping address. Then pay for the order. The money is credited to our account immediately. Your order can be processed immediately.

      5. Cashless by payment card (VISA, VISA Electron, MasterCard, Maestro) via the Shopify Payments payment gateway.

        For payment by debit or credit card, we use a connection with the secure payment gateway Shopify Payments .

        After ordering goods in our store and choosing to pay by credit card, you fill in the data in the secure Shopify Payments gateway. Here you fill in all the necessary information (card number, CVV, card expiry) and send the payment. You enter this information directly into the payment page of the processing bank, which ensures an indecipherable encrypted data transfer and only informs the bank of the authorization result and thus instructs the order to be processed. This eliminates the possibility of misuse of your payment card by the entity from which you purchase goods and the free transfer of unprotected data on a public computer network. You are informed about the result of the transaction by e-mail. The money is credited to our account immediately. Your order can be processed immediately.

        The Shopify Payments payment gateway accepts the following cards: Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard and Maestro.

        Important: during the entire payment transaction, you are on the secure pages of the Shopify Payments payment gateway. Bohemian Coffee House s.r.o. does not have access to payment card numbers under any circumstances.

        If the bank does not confirm your card payment to us, it may be for the following reasons:
        - the payment card details were not filled in correctly,
        - you do not have enough funds in your account or you have already exhausted the limit for internet transactions,
        - your card is not authorized to be used for transactions on the Internet. In this case, it is necessary to contact your bank.

      6. In case of any payment problems, please contact us immediately.

    2. Along with the purchase price, the buyer is also obliged to pay the seller the costs associated with the packaging and delivery of the goods in the agreed amount. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the purchase price also includes the costs associated with the delivery of the goods.

    3. The seller requires the buyer to pay the purchase price before the buyer takes over the performance, or to pay an advance or other similar payment. This does not affect the provisions of Article 4.6 of the terms and conditions regarding the obligation to pay the purchase price of the goods in advance.

    4. In the case of payment in cash, the purchase price is payable upon receipt of the goods. In the case of non-cash payment, the purchase price is payable within 10 days from the conclusion of the purchase contract.

    5. In the case of non-cash payment, the buyer is obliged to pay the purchase price of the goods together with the indication of the variable payment symbol. In the case of non-cash payment, the buyer's obligation to pay the purchase price is fulfilled when the relevant amount is credited to the seller's account.

    6. The seller is entitled, especially if the buyer does not provide additional confirmation of the order (Article 3.7), to demand payment of the entire purchase price before the goods are sent to the buyer. The provisions of § 2119, paragraph 1 of the Civil Code shall not apply.

    7. Any discounts on the price of goods provided by the seller to the buyer cannot be combined with each other.

    8. If it is customary in business dealings or if it is stipulated by generally binding legal regulations, the seller will issue a tax document - an invoice - to the buyer regarding payments made on the basis of the purchase contract. The seller is the payer of value added tax. Tax document – ​​the seller issues the invoice to the buyer after payment of the price of the goods and sends it in electronic form to the buyer's e-mail address.

    9. The buyer's invoicing data cannot be changed after the order has been dispatched.


    1. The buyer acknowledges that, according to the provisions of § 1837 of the Civil Code, it is not possible, among other things, to withdraw from the purchase contract for the supply of goods that was modified according to the wishes of the buyer or for his person, from the purchase contract for the supply of goods that are subject to rapid deterioration, as well as goods , which was irretrievably mixed with other goods after delivery, from the purchase contract for the delivery of goods in closed packaging, which the consumer removed from the packaging and for hygienic reasons it is not possible to return it.

    2. If it is not a case mentioned in Article 5.1 of the terms and conditions or another case where it is not possible to withdraw from the purchase contract, the buyer - consumer has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract in accordance with § 1829 paragraph 1 of the Civil Code, within fourteen (14) days from the acceptance of the goods, while if the subject of the purchase contract is several types of goods or the delivery of several parts, this period runs from the day of acceptance of the last delivery of goods. In the case of a purchase contract, the subject of which is regular repeated delivery of the same goods, the deadline for withdrawing from the purchase contract already runs from the date of acceptance of the first delivery. Withdrawal from the purchase contract must be sent to the seller within the period specified in the previous sentence. The buyer can send a withdrawal from the purchase contract to the address of the seller's premises or to the seller's e-mail address .

    3. In case of withdrawal from the purchase contract according to Article 5.2 of the terms and conditions, the purchase contract is canceled from the beginning. The goods must be returned to the seller within fourteen (14) days of withdrawal from the contract to the seller. If the buyer withdraws from the purchase contract, the buyer bears the costs associated with returning the goods to the seller, even if the goods cannot be returned by the usual postal route due to their nature.

    4. In the case of withdrawal from the contract according to Article 5.2 of the terms and conditions, the seller will return the funds received from the buyer within fourteen (14) days of withdrawal from the purchase contract by the buyer. The seller is also entitled to return the performance provided by the buyer when the goods are returned by the buyer or in another way, if the buyer agrees and no additional costs are incurred by the buyer. If the buyer withdraws from the purchase contract, the seller is not obliged to return the received funds to the buyer before the buyer returns the goods to him or proves that he has sent the goods to the seller.

    5. The seller is entitled to unilaterally offset the claim for compensation for damage caused to the goods against the buyer's claim for a refund of the purchase price.

    6. In cases where the buyer has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract in accordance with § 1829 paragraph 1 of the Civil Code, the seller is also entitled to withdraw from the purchase contract at any time, up to the time of acceptance of the goods by the buyer. In such a case, the seller will return the purchase price to the buyer without undue delay, without cash to the account designated by the buyer.

    7. If a gift is provided to the buyer together with the goods, the gift contract between the seller and the buyer is concluded with the discontinuing condition that if the buyer withdraws from the purchase contract, the gift contract regarding such a gift ceases to be effective and the buyer is obliged to return the goods to the seller together with gift given.

    8. The seller reserves the right to cancel the order or its part before concluding the purchase contract if the goods are no longer produced or if the price of the supplier of the relevant goods has increased significantly. In the event that this situation occurs, the seller undertakes to immediately contact the buyer in order to agree on the next course of action.

    9. In the case of special order goods or goods that are not in stock, the seller will confirm the price and the new delivery date to the buyer in advance by phone/email. If the buyer does not agree with such a change, he does not confirm the order and it is not implemented. If the buyer has already paid part or all of the purchase price, this amount will be transferred back to his account.


    1. The seller provides or mediates the following delivery methods:

      1. Personal collection - establishment class 9 May 41 408 01, Rumburk.

        Please strictly observe the opening hours on working days from 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. On Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and on Sunday from 1:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

        We always recommend contacting the establishment first by phone (+420 603 926 794, +420 737 346 036). Personal collection can be carried out if you choose to pay in cash on the spot or pay by bank transfer or payment card in advance. In the case of payment by bank transfer, the goods will be ready for personal collection only after confirmation of receipt of payment to the seller's account.
      2. Shipping by transport service within the territory of the Czech Republic – Czech Post (Parcel to hand and Parcel to hand) or Geis courier (handover).

        Delivery via these carriers usually takes 24 hours (from the dispatch of the ordered goods) according to standard transport conditions.

    2. Shipment - Preparation for shipment refers to the time required for the completion of all formalities in connection with handing over the ordered goods to the carrier or the buyer (in the case of personal collection), according to the buyer's choice. Shipping then means handing over the ordered goods to the selling carrier. Preparation for the expedition, as well as the expedition itself, takes place on working days.

      The seller will prepare the goods in stock for shipment no later than 3 working days after receiving the electronic order, otherwise according to the individually agreed delivery time of the requested item.

    3. Tracking the shipment - If the buyer chooses the method of transportation through Česká pošta or Geis, he can track the shipment online using the Track and Trace system (Česká pošta) or Geis Point (Geis) at any time after receiving information from the seller about the shipment of the goods. The email that informs the buyer about the shipment of the goods contains a number that can be used to track the shipment. Shipment tracking is possible through the carriers' websites.
    4. The current valid shipping price list is displayed at the checkout when you select the delivery address. All shipping prices are contractual and the current valid prices are always indicated. Transport price list valid from 1 December 2020. Prices subject to change.

    5. An overview of the current prices of some of the most frequently charged types of transport is as follows:




      Geis courier (handover)
      0 - 20 kg
      79 CZK
      Czech Post - Parcel for the post office
      0 - 30 kg
      CZK 80
      Czech Post - Package in hand
      0 - 30 kg
      119 CZK
    6. If you order goods worth CZK 2,000 or more, we do not charge postage within the Czech Republic. Possible additional exemption from postage within the Czech Republic is possible on the basis of individual agreements between the seller and the buyer and depending on the nature of the delivered products, goods or services.

    7. We do not charge packaging or other fees.

    8. In the event that the mode of transport is contracted on the basis of a special request of the buyer, the buyer bears the risk and any additional costs associated with this mode of transport.

    9. If, according to the purchase contract, the seller is obliged to deliver the goods to the place specified by the buyer in the order, the buyer is obliged to take over the goods upon delivery. The place of delivery of the goods is the delivery address specified by the buyer in the electronic order.

    10. If, for reasons on the part of the buyer, it is necessary to deliver the goods repeatedly or in a different way than was specified in the order, the buyer is obliged to pay the costs associated with repeated delivery of the goods, or costs associated with another delivery method.

    11. When taking over the goods from the transporter, the buyer is obliged to check the integrity of the packaging of the goods and, in the event of any defects, to notify the transporter immediately. In the event of a violation of the packaging indicating an unauthorized intrusion into the shipment, the buyer does not have to accept the shipment from the carrier.

    12. An incomplete or damaged shipment must be reported immediately by e-mail to the address or, write a damage report with the carrier and send it to the seller without undue delay. An additional complaint about the incompleteness or external damage of the shipment does not deprive the buyer of the right to complain about the item, but it gives the seller the opportunity to prove that this is not a violation of the purchase contract.

    13. In the case of picking up an order that has been paid for in advance via the Internet, the seller or its contractual partner may require the presentation of an identification card (OP or passport), in order to prevent damage and to prevent the legalization of proceeds from criminal activity. Without presenting any of these documents, the seller or its contractual partner may refuse to issue the goods.

    14. The goods purchased by the buyer-legal entity will only be handed over to the statutory body of the given legal entity or to a person who proves himself with a certified power of attorney. Goods purchased by a self-employed buyer will only be handed over upon presentation of a valid identification card (ID card or passport).

    15. If the buyer does not collect the ordered goods within 10 days of their dispatch, without prior cancellation of the order, he bears the costs incurred with the production and dispatch of these goods. This does not affect the consumer's right not to take over the goods due to a conflict with the purchase contract. The seller can use the goods that the buyer did not take at his discretion. This provision does not affect the right of the seller to recover from the buyer the costs related to the uncollected order.

    16. In the case of ordering a gift card, the card is delivered after crediting the payment for the order to the seller's bank account and subsequent dispatch of the order in electronic form. The buyer prints the card himself, and the costs associated with printing are fully borne by the buyer.

    17. The order for a coffee subscription is confirmed to the buyer by sending a proof of payment for the order (tax receipt), which is issued on the basis of credited payment to the seller's bank account. Depending on the type of coffee subscription chosen, the order is delivered at the beginning of each calendar month until the number of months of the chosen coffee subscription is exhausted.


    1. The rights and obligations of the contracting parties regarding rights from defective performance are governed by the relevant generally binding legal regulations (in particular the provisions of Sections 1914 to 1925, Sections 2099 to 2117 and Sections 2161 to 2174 of the Civil Code and Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on consumer protection, as amended).

    2. The seller is responsible to the buyer that the goods are free of defects upon receipt. In particular, the seller is responsible to the buyer that at the time the buyer took over the goods:
      1. The goods have the properties agreed upon by the parties and, in the absence of an agreement, they have the properties that the seller or manufacturer has described or that the buyer expected with regard to the nature of the goods and on the basis of the advertising carried out by them.
      2. The goods are suitable for the purpose that the seller states for their use or for which goods of this type are usually used.
      3. The quality or design of the goods corresponds to the contracted sample or model, if the quality or design was determined according to the contracted sample or model.
      4. Is the goods in the appropriate quantity, measure or weight.
      5. The goods comply with the requirements of legal regulations.

    3. The provisions stated in Article 7.2 of the terms and conditions do not apply to goods sold at a lower price to a defect for which a lower price was agreed, to wear and tear of the goods caused by its usual use, in the case of used goods to a defect corresponding to the degree of use or wear that the goods had at the time of receipt by the buyer, or if it follows from the nature of the goods.

    4. If a defect becomes apparent within six months of receipt, it is considered that the goods were already defective upon receipt. The buyer is entitled to exercise the right from a defect that occurs in the consumer goods within twenty-four months of receipt.

    5. Rights from defective performance are exercised by the buyer with the seller at the address of his establishment, where the acceptance of the complaint is possible with regard to the range of goods sold.

    6. The right of defective performance does not belong to the buyer, if the buyer knew before taking over the item that the item had a defect, or if the buyer himself caused the defect.

    7. The buyer has the right to deliver a new item or replace a part even in the case of a removable defect, if the item cannot be used properly due to the repeated occurrence of the defect after repair or due to a larger number of defects. In such a case, the buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract.

    8. If the buyer did not report the defect without unnecessary delay after he could have discovered it during a timely inspection and sufficient care, the court will not grant him the right from defective performance. If it is a hidden defect, the same applies if the defect was not reported without undue delay after the buyer could have discovered it with sufficient care, but no later than two years after handing over the item.

    9. Further rights and obligations of the parties related to the seller's responsibility for defects are governed by the seller's complaints procedure.


    1. The buyer acquires ownership of the goods by paying the full purchase price of the goods.

    2. In relation to the buyer, the seller is not bound by any codes of conduct in the sense of the provisions of § 1826 paragraph 1 letter e) of the Civil Code.

    3. Out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes arising from the purchase contract is the responsibility of the Czech Trade Inspection, with registered office at Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2, ID number: 000 20 869, internet address: Before the out-of-court settlement of the dispute, the seller recommends that the buyer first contact the seller to resolve the situation.

    4. The seller is authorized to sell goods on the basis of a trade license. The trade inspection is carried out by the relevant trade office within its jurisdiction. The Office for Personal Data Protection supervises the area of ​​personal data protection. The Czech Trade Inspection, to a defined extent, supervises, among other things, compliance with Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on consumer protection, as amended.

    5. The buyer hereby assumes the risk of a change in circumstances within the meaning of § 1765, paragraph 2 of the Civil Code.


      1. The coffee subscription is based on the principle of regular monthly shipments of freshly roasted coffee for a period of 3, 6 or 12 months, according to the buyer's choice.

      2. The coffee subscription is sent at the beginning of each calendar month within the Czech Republic. There is no charge for postage or packaging for individual subscription shipments. By agreement, the subscription can be suspended for any period of time (holidays, vacations). The buyer is obliged to notify the seller of changes in the delivery data (address, phone number, email address) during the subscription period. The deadline for processing newly ordered subscriptions, as well as changes to already purchased subscriptions, is the 25th calendar day of the month, before the next subscription is sent. Notification of any changes in the subscription can be sent to the email address .

      3. You will always be informed about the dispatch of the shipment by email, which contains details about the coffee and its preparation.

      X. EET

      1. According to the Sales Registration Act, the seller is obliged to issue a receipt to the buyer. At the same time, he is obliged to register the received sales with the tax administrator online; in the event of a technical failure, then within 48 hours at the latest.


      1. If the relationship established by the purchase contract contains an international (foreign) element, then the parties agree that the relationship is governed by Czech law. This does not affect consumer rights arising from generally binding legal regulations.

      2. If any provision of the terms and conditions is invalid or ineffective, or becomes so, the invalid provision will be replaced by a provision whose meaning is as close as possible to the invalid provision. The invalidity or ineffectiveness of one provision does not affect the validity of the other provisions.

      3. The purchase contract, including the terms and conditions, is archived by the seller in electronic form and is not accessible.

      4. Contact details of the seller: address for delivery – Bohemian Coffee House sro, Polní 2832, 407 47 Varnsdorf, e-mail address , telephone +420 603 926 794, +420 737 346 036.

      In Varnsdorf, on 11/12/2020.