Bohemian Coffee House

Rwanda Mwasa

Běžná cena 295,00 Kč

Kooperativa Abadatezuka is a group of smallholder farmers in the western province of Rwanda who supply their coffee to the Cyato washing station located in Nayamasheke district. Producers here grow coffee at altitudes of up to 2,200 meters above sea level, and the washing station is located at an altitude of 1,850 meters. The washing station was established in 2017.

One interesting aspect of coffee is that the native bees that live in and around the Nyungwe forest where the coffee is grown are said to be partially responsible for the unique flavor profile that this coffee has. Bee-assisted pollination, fertile soil and a cool lake-influenced climate due to the area's proximity to Lake Kivu contribute to the flavors found in the cup. Farmers do not use any synthetic inputs, such as synthetic fertilizers or pesticides.

This coffee is lightly roasted and is great for alternative coffee preparation, but also for espresso. We also roast Abadatezuka coffee darkly . It is most suitable for espresso and espresso drinks with milk.

Country of origin: Rwanda

Region: Cyato, Nyamasheke District

Variety: Bourbon

Processing: washed

Altitude: 1850 - 2200 masl

Flavor profile: Caramel and burnt sugar with subtle flavors of dried fruit and dried citrus peel. Strong syrupy sweetness and juicy acidity.