Dilver Rivera Mueslas, who is 29 years old, owns El Hermano Farm in the El Agrado area. The farm has an area of 2.5 ha with 2.4 ha planted to coffee. The farm's varieties are bourbon, castillo and caturra. It has been part of the Asociación de Caficultores del Centro del Cauca por la Paz (ACC) for 6 years.
ACC co-op is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2016 in Piendamó, Cauca. The purpose of the association has always been to improve the quality of coffee, from the harvest to the commercialization of coffee, where the improvement of these aspects will have a social impact on the region. Improving the welfare of peasant families, taking care of the environment and trying to find peace in our territory.
The ACC has 77 members with an average of 1.5 hectares of land at an altitude between 1,700 and 2,100 meters, where each member who has joined believes in the power of associations whose main goal is to fight poverty and social conflicts. in the area. The association assists members with crop-related business strategies and technology; although each member has the option to decide how to process their coffee with innovative fermentations.
Last year, 900,000 kg of parchment coffee was purchased, with 20,000 kg scoring 86 points or more. This 900,000 kg comes from associates and business allies from the municipalities of Morales, Cajibío, Totoró and Caldono.
This coffee is dark roasted and is perfect for preparing espresso and espresso drinks with milk. We also roast Colombia Dilver Rivera light to prepare filtered coffee and more acidic espresso drinks.
Country of origin: Colombia
Cup score : 85.5
Region: El Agrado, Piendamo, Cauca
Variety: Castillo
Processing: washed
Altitude: 1730 m above sea level
Flavor profile: Red currant, pink grapefruit, milk chocolate, cherry, caramel, sweet and velvety